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Emergency Medical Services
621910: Emergency medical transport
115310: Support activities for forestry 
541380: Testing laboratories and services



Loon Lake Fire Rescue utilizes Type I and III ambulances for primarily Advanced Life Support (ALS) module teams, but may also be refitted for Basic Life Support (BLS) tasking orders. Each module is staffed with a Flight Paramedic for continuation of patient care EMPF and EMTF both fire-line qualified and credentialed under the NREMT along with Montana State licensure and other states participating under the EMS Compact Act.

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Charlestown Rescue Utility 1 2020.jpeg


We offer 4x4 single resource and module ALS teams that are capable for rugged wilderness patient extraction with the use of UTV apparatus for immediate response along the fire-line. Can be outfitted for BLS and ALS staffed with a Flight Paramedic for continuation of patient care and/or AEMT/ EMTB.


Based in Trego, Montana Region 1, Loon Lake Fire Rescue is a cooperative campus. The organization provides ALS and/or BLS emergency medical resources to wildland fire incident needs for all regions. LLFR capabilities are derived from a threat mission analysis and available for dispatching within a 1-4-hour apparatus refit from initial resource ordering. Collectively we provide remote EMS response, strategy, equipment and tactics to all fire ground incidents and tasking orders. For a more efficient and professional response we provide emergency equipment rental agreements with a rotating staff for crew shift swaps for 14- and 21-day missions as well as 24-hour EMS crew shifts for night operations.We minimize further systemic insult or injury and manage life-threatening conditions through a series of well-defined and appropriate interventions under medical direction and maintain stringent training principles that ensure patient safety and self-sustainability.

As a lean team, we allow for greater accountability, autonomy, and flexibility, both in terms of response and idea-based changes during fire operations. Keeping the team within our span of control gives the team ability to manage, coordinate quickly and efficiently while holding a strong market value for incident management teams. 

Loon Lake Fire Rescue utilizes Type I and III ground ambulances for primarily Advanced Life Support (ALS) module teams but may also be refitted for Basic Life Support (BLS) tasking orders. Each module is staffed with a Paramedic EMPF and/or EMTF both fire line qualified and credentialed under the NREMT along with Montana State licensure and other states participating under the EMS Compact Act.


Patient continuation of care ground and air transport

ALS and BLS ground ambulance transport 

UTV ALS response modules

4x4 Truck/SUV EMS task force modules/ single overhead resources


Critical care, emergency vehicle operations (EVOC), Rope Rescue,

Flight paramedicine, S-130, S-190, l-180, Arduous Pack Tested, ALS/BLS/PHTLS, Advanced cardiac life support, Stroke, and Trauma. OSHA-10 and OSHA-30 staff certified. 

These capabilities provide rapid assessment, stabilization, and transportation to the appropriate care facility. 

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